How to treat varicose veins on the legs, in men

Varicose veins – a serious chronic peripheral vascular. This emergence and encourage the development of many factors: standing work, intense physical exercise, smoking, pregnancy, diabetes, liver disease, genetic predisposition. Pathology is to reduce the tone the walls of veins and capillaries, which leads to stagnation of venous blood, local oedema, inflammation and trophic lesions of the skin, but most importantly, the thrombosis – a solid formation of blood clots. Such pieces may cause vascular obstruction of the limb of the further tissue necrosis and can get into the general bloodstream and invade somewhere – pulmonary artery, brain or heart. In recent cases there is a real threat to life.

treatment of varicose veins in men

Varicose disease in men and women

According to statistics, varicose veins of the lower extremities slightly more often found in representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. The question is eternal women of destiny – pregnancy and motherhood. During gestation the body of the child stand for a serious load to the subject and the possible organs of the circulatory system. But women are very anxious to belong to the state of your feet, and if the first appearance of veins, vascular asterisks, the more brightly expressed in the veins, endeavour to take measures and run by a doctor-phlebologist. The result is such a disease succeeds to arrest in the beginning.

Another thing men. In most cases varicose veins on the feet, men by this time, if the treatment is to the doctor is very working stage. Yes, pregnancy for men up is not threatening, but they have a list of specific "male" factors, which is able to cause the emergence and development of this nasty ailment:

  • standing and seated work, especially if the low mobility of the lower extremities;
  • the service of the army and the organs of the ministry of the interior;
  • intensive physical load and sport;
  • hunting, fishing, tourism and other active vacations, the result of frequent freezing.

Purely for men the risk factors – smoking strong tobacco and drinks with high ethanol. Nicotine promotes the violation of the functions of peripheral blood vessels. Alcohol affects the liver cells responsible for the production of enzymes, which prevent the formation of blood clots and the solution are already educated pieces. The stronger is a man addicted to alcohol and snuff, the greater the risk of varicose veins, and more dangerous is its complications.

But the main negative factor, which complicate the treatment of varicose veins of the legs, in men – it is certain the neglect of patients is needed to treat. Men firmly, that varicose veins – this is one of the many female vagaries, which is a real macho should not pay attention. All the ends only then, when the skin arise in the healing of ulcers and help can be at least surgery the stomach the damaged vein. It is quite clear that the doctors succeed only to open the tip of the iceberg and that the deviation concerned the greatly more extensive area. Surprised is to a greater or lesser extent, all the vessels of the feet and after the operation the man must be long and difficult to recover and treat, in order to prevent new manifestations of the disease, often much more threatening and way amputeerida, the trees, and then there is the fatal result in the blockage of a large blood clot to critical blood vessels.

Symptoms of varicose disease of the feet

In the early stages of varicose veins in men are not different from the veins in women. The skin will appear in the blood vessels of the stars, to the eye, he becomes unevenly painted. Decreased sensitivity, appears in the local is not strong pain and hypothermia, often there are painful cramps the shins and thighs. Evening leg strongly swollen, especially if patients must stand or sit long in one position. Swelling disappears while sleeping. Places swelling often publish alopecia – completion of hair growth.

Period of time is the unpleasant phenomenon of the stronger, if the palpation and examination to become distinct subcutaneous venous bumps and balls. If they have nothing to do, the skin thins and trophic ulcers occur, it is very difficult to controlled treatment and the scourge of the development of serious communicable diseases, skin lesions (various inflammation), soft tissue (cellulitis on) and all the infected blood (septicemia). These risks are, of course, does not eliminate the risk of thrombosis, which was above the story.

signs of varicose veins

If a man does not go to the doctor

Even the most brave and confident and men are very often afraid to consult a doctor-phlebologist. Some are embarrassed by its alleged "female" disease, others are ashamed of the show the doctor before that they are caused by your body, signing thus, its cowardice. No one just shows the disorder to believe that varicose veins are men feet – the disease is not fatal disease and the best to bring the situation to the extreme and then at the same time to treat all by means of modern laser-coagulation ("or how this operation there called, doctor?"). Unfortunately, that treatment is itself affected vein will not save all the others, we have already talked about.

If a man does not find the strength to go to the doctor, should be at least start to treat varicose veins ven human resources in domestic conditions. Say immediately: to complete improvement, particularly when the pathological process has gone far enough, such a treatment does not give. If does not help the application en masse they are sold in pharmacies gels and ointments from varicose veins.

However, certain positive effects of the application of folk, certainly, and the negative side effects of medicines of "the green pharmacy" is much less, than the synthetic medicines. The more that many drugs are recommended by "official" medicine, which is created just on the basis of popular recipes.

Recipes if the varicose

Most of the tools of the traditional medical show but application. The exception is, perhaps, the only apple cider vinegar – unique to your efficiency of a tool that in the right context, can the varicose veins in men at the beginning.

Apple cider vinegar

Vinegar apples contains a unique combination of vitamins A, C and B-group, organic acids (acetic acid, citric acid, dairy products), amino acids and trace elements that help restore the walls of blood vessels and improve the trophism of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Once the vinegar has an antibacterial and fungicidal effect and can treat inflammation and a fungal disease, which will inevitably arise to prevent the varicose veins of the feet whereas the reduce local immunity.

Apple cider vinegar is used inside and applied topically. Reception inside a glass of warm water take two tablespoons of vinegar and a spoonful of honey. A mixture of drunk refuted before meals.


Apple cider vinegar should not take the foot through the running phase of the varicose veins, because it promotes thrombosis!

Stationary tool is used in the form of compresses and wraps. It is necessary to adhere to moderation, so as not to cause burns to the skin of the lids and allergy reactions. Compress on top of the 30-40 minutes, with the patient must be positioned horizontally, with the raised feet. On top of the vinegar moistened gauze wound polyethylene.

Where can I take õunaäädika the varicose?

Apple cider vinegar can be purchased from the store or from the pharmacy or prepare yourself. To do this, take 1 kg of apples and ground them in a blender. Please add 50 g sugar, 20 g bread, 10 g of dry yeast. Weight should wander no less than 6 weeks. Then its 30% diluted with water and filtered through a filter into a container. Possible accelerated method – without the bread, and yeast. Such a quick vinegar for about 2 weeks.

folk from varicose veins

Herbs and fees

Good effect in the treatment of varicose veins in men will provide the following tools, based on the herbs:

  • alcoholic horse chestnut. Applies to grinding stop and shins;
  • herbal fees in oak leaf, nettle, knotweed, next. Apply compresses, baths are taken in the form of cooking is on the inside;
  • the infusion of oak bark. Wonderfully helps such as astringent and antiseptic if there is a venous ulcer;
  • alcoholate kalanchoe – implementing the daily attrition of 2-3 weeks.

In the treatment of varicose veins of people of means, which include both extragcient ethyl alcohol, need to be careful, so as not to cause skin burns. Of course, should be avoided reception alcohol tinctures inside the exceed recommended doses. Many plants of overdose, may give an undesirable effect and cause poisoning.

Tradition, bad habits, and varicose veins

As being a man does not become your disease, it should be remembered that the men's bad habits at times, aggravate the condition of the diseased feet. This applies especially to smoking. The same is the consumption of alcohol, so first of all, a sharp to expand the blood vessels, and then their decline, is also not conducive to healing.

If the varicose veins should not exaggerate the sauna, steam room, winter fishing and winter bath ordered. The abnormal temperature is caused by direct damage to the weakened veins and the sebum coating. Must be thinking of changing jobs, which is related to the permanent found on the legs (builders, master universal lathes, regulators) or in the stationary sitting position (drivers-drivers). Need to forget the action in power sports, running long distances.

Reduce the damage due to the feet, helps to contraindications. Its objective is to intensify the outflow of venous blood and the overall blood circulation in the capillaries. Necessary for the production of gymnastics and aerobics after a busy day. In general, the greater is the man who is the extension of varicose veins on the legs, can be free time to be in horizontal position and keep the feet at a higher is the body, the better. In this case "sofa" lifestyle, weird, that it goes to him only benefit.

Prevention of varicose in men

If a man has a genetic predisposition to veenilaiendidy or is a risk to do so as an occupational disease, it is worth also to review your diet. Abandon not only spirits, but all of the food, USUgblauma the status of the hepatocytes in all cholesterol levels, reduce vascular tone, As it would have been difficult, it is necessary to abandon the bold, acute, salty, smoked. The basis is the diet should be lean meats, seafood, vegetables, unsweetened fruit, curd cheese.

Many men are skeptical about the vegetarian diet believing such a lifestyle unworthy of the stronger sex. But studies have shown that the abandonment of animal food significantly reduce the risk of varicose veins. The choice is everyone's thing.

It is important competently to pick up clothes and shoes, especially if there is a lampjalgsus or just a custom foot. Tight uncomfortable shoes – the first step in varicose disease of the legs.


In the case of treatment of varicose veins of people of means still do not succeed, it is necessary to make a volitional effort, and seek medical attention. At the right time to set, and made medical care, compression or surgical treatment can help avoid serious consequences the employment of varicose veins in men.